Germán E. Regis

Box A13 - Department of Computer Science
Ruta 36 Km 601
RĂo Cuarto, CĂłrdoba
I am Lecturer (Adjunt Profesor) at Department of Computer Sciences at National University of de RĂo Cuarto.
I got my degree in Computer Sciences in 2005 at the Department of Computer Sciences at National University of de RĂo Cuarto, and in 2014 I got my PhD. from University of Buenos Aires. I had a Phd Scolarship from CONICET (Argentina’s National Research Council)
My main area of interest is the application of technical and logical-mathematical tools (formal methods) for the specification, design, analysis and verification of software at its differents stages of development.
Apr 8, 2022 | “ATR: Template-based Repair for Alloy Specifications” paper was accepted to appear at ISSTA’22 |
Jul 30, 2021 | Two Tools (Demostrations) papers were accepted to appear at ASE’21 |
Dec 22, 2020 | Two papers were accepted to appear at ICSE’21 |